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Scientists Unveil the Best Diet Plan for People with Type 2 Diabetes to Lose Weight


Comparing calorie counting to time-restricted eating between 12 and 8 p.m., type 2 diabetes patients lost more weight, and both strategies improved blood sugar levels. Due to potential medication issues, professional advice is advised before using this strategy.

According to research, time restrictions on eating result in greater weight loss than calorie counting.

Given the close association between type 2 diabetes and being overweight or obese, losing weight is a typical aim among people with the illness. What food plan is most effective for patients with this metabolic disease is unclear, though.

According to a recent randomized controlled research of type 2 diabetes patients, those who limited their daily calorie intake to the hours between noon and 8 p.m. lost more weight than those who did so via calorie tracking. It's interesting to note that blood sugar levels improved similarly with both approaches.

The new study was conducted by Vicky Pavlou, RDN, a PhD student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. "Many people find counting calories very hard to stick to in the long term, but our study shows that watching the clock may offer a simple way to decrease calories and lose weight," Pavlou said. No previous research have looked at an eight-hour eating window in persons with type 2 diabetes, despite the fact that time-restricted eating is becoming more and more common.

The results were presented by Pavlou at NUTRITION 2023, the American Society for Nutrition's premier annual meeting.

Studies from the past and recent discoveries

In people who struggle with obesity, time-restricted eating within an eight-hour window has previously been researched. However, the objective of this new research project was to identify any potential advantages of this approach for those with type 2 diabetes. It was directed by Krista Varady, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

75 participants, ages ranging from 18 to 80, from various racial and ethnic backgrounds, and all of whom had type 2 diabetes and obesity diagnoses, made up the study's sample. One of three groups—time-restricted eating, calorie restriction, or control—was assigned to each participant. The participants in the time-restricted eating group could eat whenever they wanted, but they had to count their calories on the MyFitnessPal mobile app in order to reduce their caloric intake by 25% of their maintenance calories, or the number of calories required to maintain their current weight. The regular diet was maintained by the control group.

The team found that participants following the time-restricted eating diet lost 3.55% more body weight than the control group did after the six-month investigation. This would equate to a loss of slightly about 10 pounds for a person weighing 275 pounds. In comparison to the control group, the calorie restriction group did not lose any weight. Both the time-restricted group and the calorie restriction group saw a drop in blood sugar (HbA1C) levels when compared to the control group (-.91% and -.95%, respectively).

Precautions and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

The weight loss achieved with the time-restricted eating did not approach the 5% mark normally necessary for improvement in these parameters. The researchers also examined whether these diet methods reduced cardiometabolic risk factors. A further aspect that makes it challenging to detect improvements in cardiometabolic risk variables is the fact that the study participants were using blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. 

According to Pavlou's research, persons with type 2 diabetes who desire to reduce their weight and regulate their blood sugar may find time-restricted eating to be a useful alternative. However, there are numerous types of drugs available for people with type 2 diabetes, some of which need to be taken with food and others of which can result in low blood sugar. Therefore, when using this dietary strategy, close consultation with a nutritionist or physician is essential.


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